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A Luau-specialized module for copying any value with state.


This is a list of all public properties and methods contained in the Copy module.

As a precursor, you may see references to it() functions in code blocks. This is part of the TestEZ framework used to test this module and make sure it’s up to snuff. They will be cited using this format and can be found in the test directory.



There are only two functions that do the job of copying, the rest are just helper functions.


Type: (object: T) -> newObject: T

Creates a copy of object. This is guaranteed to return a result of the same type and sub-type.

All the datatypes copied by this function are:

Any other datatype passed in will simply return itself.

You can also use Copy() to copy itself, like so.

local newCopy = Copy(Copy)

This is useful for creating a Copy module with a different configuration, since it holds flags and contexts.

Copy:Extend(object, ...bases)

Type: (object: T, ...bases: B) -> object: T & B

Copies all fields in bases to object from left to right. Copy(some) is the same as Copy:Extend({}, some).

Copy:BehaveAs(behavior, object)

Type: (behavior: string|array, object: any) -> Symbol: Symbol

Creates a Symbol. It can be placed anywhere in the base value to signify that it should follow the specified Behavior.


it("allows different behavior in values", function()
  local someTable = {
    key = "value",

  local baseTable = {
    key = Copy:BehaveAs("set", nil),

  Copy:Extend(someTable, baseTable)
  local newValue = someTable.key



Type: () -> ()

Clears any data lingering from the last time something was copied. This is only useful when paired with Copy.Flags.Flush set to false.


There are a great number of properties Copy has, useful for creating versatile behavior.


This table stores the default behaviors Copy() should use to copy values when no behavior is provided, categorized by context. These contexts accept the same behaviors as Copy:BehaveAs().

Copy.GlobalContext.Keys = "set"

Type: Behavior

The default behavior to use for table keys

Copy.GlobalContext.Values = "default"

Type: Behavior

The default behavior to use for generic values

Copy.GlobalContext.Meta = "set"

Type: Behavior

The default behavior to use for metatables


A set of miscellaneous flags. Setting an unknown flag throws an error.

Copy.Flags.Flush = true

Type: boolean

Stops Copy() and Copy:Extend() from removing internal data (namely Copy.Transform and Copy.InstanceTransform). This is useful for debugging the module in case something was copied weirdly. If you plan to use the module again afterwards, make sure to call Copy:Flush() beforehand.

Copy.Flags.SetInstanceParent = false

Type: boolean

Decides whether instances cloned by the module are parented to the original instance’s parent, otherwise nil.


Type: {[Symbol]: true}

A weak table that lists every Symbol in existence as keys. Symbols delete themselves once they are not used anymore, and they can be used multiple times. Any values intended to be used as symbols should be registered in the symbol map, like so.

Copy.SymbolMap[customSymbol] = true

Types and Enums

The Copy module uses a few concepts to make itself more coherent, so this section is devoted to that specifically.


The Copy module uses Behaviors to describe how objects are copied from a base value to a new one. This is encapsulated in the Behaviors module, found under the Copy module.

All the lowest level behaviors are listed here:

These can be used by supplying them as strings where expected.

Copy:BehaveAs('transform', [[some value]])
Copy.GlobalContext.Values = 'transform'

Value types supported by the "reconcile" behavior are:

Value types supported by the "replace" behavior are:

Behaviors are usually combined to create higher-level behaviors using arrays.

Copy:BehaveAs({'transform', 'reconcile', 'replace'}, [[some value]])
Copy.GlobalContext.Values = {'transform', 'reconcile', 'replace'}

The Copy module sequentially makes a pass with each behavior and, upon the first successful conversion, returns that value.

The most commonly used behaviors can be substituted with a string just like the lower level behaviors. These are known as behavior presets.

All the presets are listed here:

These can be used by simply supplying the name as a string.

Copy:BehaveAs('default', [[some value]])
Copy.GlobalContext.Keys = 'default'

If the Copy module receives an empty array {} in place of a behavior, copying the value with that behavior will return itself.

Indexing Copy.GlobalContext will return the array representing the behavior.


it("always returns an array upon index", function()
  Copy.GlobalContext.Keys = "default"

  local keysContext = Copy.GlobalContext.Keys



The Copy module has the power to control how values behave when copied, but it needs Symbols to control the behavior of particular sub-values.

Symbols are very good for representing different copying behavior for identical sub-values in different locations, but they are not very good for being treated as actual values.

Traditionally, Symbols are created using Copy:BehaveAs():


it("can move shared values using 'set'", function()
  local sub = {}

  local some = {
    owned = sub,
    shared = Copy:BehaveAs('set', sub),

  local new = Copy(some)


Symbols created using Copy:BehaveAs() have a small API of their own.

But you can also create them using functions. Symbol functions take the type (T) -> (boolean, T).

It is required that custom symbol functions are registered in the SymbolMap by using them as a key: Copy.SymbolMap[symbolFunc] = true.


it("can make ducks", function()
  local function makeDuck(oldValue)
    local duck = {}

    function duck.quack()
      return "QUACK"

    return true, duck

  Copy.SymbolMap[makeDuck] = true

  local some = {
    duck = makeDuck

  local new = Copy(some)



The Copy module solves recursive tables by using a mapping of original values to new ones. Any values that were already copied in a Copy() call will be used again in subsequent assignments to that value.


it("transforms values", function()
  local array = { "value", "normal value" }

  Copy.Transform["value"] = "some other value"
  local newArray = Copy(array)

  expect(newArray[1]).to.equal("some other value")
  expect(newArray[2]).to.equal("normal value")

Copy.Transform accepts anything as a key or value. It can also accept Symbols as a value, and the old value will map to the output of Symbol(oldValue).